Mental Health Tips for 2021 & Why We Love #RoarDontIgnore

January 22. 2021

Inspiring men to “open up” is an art and science that has had varying results through the ages (think grunting cave men and monosyllabic responses).

But it’s no secret that getting things off our chest – hairy or not – is not only good for our relationships. It’s also a boon for our mental health. Which is why we’re delighted to announce that we’ve recently donated a $1,000 from our December’ sales to Kaged Lions (#RoarDontIgnore). A small step for them to become a registered charity.

Priding itself on a no BS approach to men’s mental health, Kaged Lions is doing great work supporting men to get help when they’re feeling wobbly. Which is why this do-good organisation is so perfectly matched to the Don Sox mission (just like our fantastic socks!).

And while we’re on the topical theme of mental health, here are a few tips to get us into the right head and heart space for 2021, which is already shaping up to be another action-packed year:

  • Be grateful – appreciate all the little things we usually take for granted, from good health to being able to spend more time with the family or learning a completely new skill (thanks to online master classes and technology like Zoom).
  • Keep fit – whether you’re passionate about swimming, swinging a club or striding around your neighbourhood, moving your body is a sure fire way to get the feel-good hormones going.
  • Digital detox – if your eyeballs are glued to screens for hours on end, you might feel like a brand new person if you take time off from the enticements of social media or games. Engage in the radical act of reading a book!
  • Eat healthy – you don’t have to be a devotee of the latest health fad to nourish your body and mind with wholesome and balanced foods.
  • Stay connected (and we don’t mean digitally) – humans are neurologically wired to interact with others. From sitting around the campfire singing Kumbaya to jumping out of an airplane with our best mate, it’s how we get our warm and fuzzies.
  • Sleep well – catching enough ZZZZs is vital for a number of reasons. Among them is the proven link between lack of sleep and depression, and lack of sleep and stress (sleep-deprived donsters who are parents can vouch for this one!)
  • Practice kindness – in 2020, social media groups sprung up around the world sharing heart-warming acts of generosity in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. We don’t have to be Mother Theresa to make an impact. Small acts of kindness go a long way.
  • Lao-Tzu said: “The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one’s feet.” This means start where you are and go, step by step. Achieve small goals every day to get you there. It helps to have an accountability buddy, who’ll give a poke you when you need it most.
  • Breathe deeply – you don’t need to hike to a temple on a remote mountain top to get a good dose of meditation magic. Download an app or simply plonk yourself down in a quiet nook and practice deep breathing. Inhale for 5 seconds. Hold for 5 seconds. Exhale for 5 seconds. Easy!

What are your favourite fail-proof things to do to keep your mental health in order? We’d love to know.



